T.R.A.I.N Ministry

- Ministers Kay and Richard McFarland
- 888-607-3671
Vision Statement
Within our Youth Ministry here at Wholistic Life Ministries, we’re focused on the growth and development of the youth of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow. We worship God with our Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit and everything we do, we do it as unto God.
We use our time and talents not only inside the four walls of the Church, but outside as well. We Teach Biblical principles to those we engage, we Reach out to those who need Christ, we Activate our Faith and seek to affect real change in our society, we Inspire the coming generations to lead a Christ-centered lifestyle, and we Nurture those God puts in our midst, from the youngest to the oldest. For the up building and expansion of the Kingdom of God, we minister to those we come in contact with – on the streets, in our schools, and on our jobs.
We present our bodies as living sacrifices unto the Lord so that we may be used by Him, for His Glory, and for His purpose in our lives. We’ve left our baggage in the past and we press toward Jesus with everything we have in us. We are Wholistic Life Ministries, T.R.A.I.N!